Sunday 25 July 2010

Juggling Act

Must have been thinking a lot about Eliza, who left for a 10 week overseas trip on Thursday, when I had the urge to sketch one of her (many) stiletto shoes. As predicted, it was relaxing sitting sketching after being an on-line uni student all day on Saturday. I went back to school on Monday, ready to keep all the balls up in the air, and they immediately added several more balls. Juggling hard and fast!
This weekend I discovered gnocchi - why did it take me so long? It cooks in just a few minutes, is healthy, goes with any topping, loves parmesan and black pepper and tastes good. Tonight I'm going to a French movie (Leaving) at Leichhardt, Sydney's answer to Little Italy. We will have dinner in one of the many Italian restaurants in Norton Street, and I might just order - gnocchi, to see how the experts do it.


Annie said...

That shoe is fabulous-what colour? - Eliza-pink I think...

Eliza said...

Oh I love this!!!


martie said...

If this is how you can create while juggling - a gorgeous sketch and a great meal - keep it up! I trust the movie and dinner were both wonderful!