Wednesday 3 October 2012

Global Citizens

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the young people of today are a force to be reckoned with. I think politics will have to evolve to keep up with them. 60,000 people went to Central Park in New York City for a fantastic concert (I rocked along to the live feed) (how can you not rock along to Foo Fighters, Black Keys and Neil Young.Crazy Horse?). It was the Global Citizens concert, and between performances representatives of various non-profits spoke about their work. Mostly 20/30 years old, they spoke of eradicating polio, educating everyone, relieving poverty and of course, providing clean water - because all of these things need clean water first. My son was one of the speakers, for Charity Water; in fact the first one, and I was a very proud Mum (aka Mom). Imagine facing this crowd:


patti said...

Paull himself is amazing! I am a proud aunty too!

martie said...

What an amazing family you have! Your kids are certainly lucky to call you Mum! WAY TO GO! Take care!