Sunday 25 January 2009

Melt Down...

In huge contrast to the Northern Hemisphere blogs I read, we have been sweltering for the past four days with (celsius) 39, 39, 40, 42 degree heat. The blessed change arrived about 6.30 last night, and people, dogs, cats, horses and I imagine, even birds and bees everywhere can feel normal again. Global warming? It's happening, folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent photo! I know your temps have been HOT, and we've been frigid. Global warming needs to be taken care of so we can all enjoy the normal temps again. But I agree, after either a hot or cold spell - when the temps calm it is divine!

I think my little furnace in my bedroom is going out. It's 55F (13 C). And that is too cold for indoors!