Saturday, 9 August 2008

The people in your neighbourhood...

I was reminded of that Sesame Street song: "who are the people in your neighbourhood? - the people that you meet, when you're walking down the street" - this sunny winter morning as I walked the dogs. There are people I see regularly, daily even, who I've never done more than nod at or say "Good morning" to. There are some who stop to chat, and even some whose (first) names I know. There are several of us who know each other's dog's names, but not each others. There are people living nearby to whom I wave, but we have never spoken.

Suburban life? I think people speak to each other more readily in the city - what is your experience?

(picture: gratuitous NYC shot) (there's 283 to go)


Sorrow said...

I live in the country, and not only does everyone know my name, but they know my business too! LOL!
I guess it's not always a wave...

Anonymous said...

Like "sorrow", I too live in the country. But I'm new here and most people don't know me and I can go days (probably weeks) without seeing anyone else. But I do find that people in the nearby towns are so friendly and helpful. I don't think I've ever experienced anything like this anywhere else I've lived.