Friday 29 February 2008


The word 'spam" always makes me think of Dr Seuss - "I do not like green eggs and ham"..... I do not like spam. I've just reluctantly tightened up the access to my blog due to "click here" posts from weird names saying I have a virus, which I don't - yet! So I apologise that you now have to be moderated and type in those tricky letters, but I had a virus once and it was the death of my hard drive.

Busy weekend approaches, with both the community groups I am involved with requiring my presence ON THE SAME WEEKEND and I still want to do my sunny weekend things. and schoolwork. and housework. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........

avagoodweekend, as we say in Australia!


Anonymous said...

This is me testing the new comment situation....

Anonymous said...

I don't think any of us mind typing in a security code. Spam is for the birds, and I wish that anyone who sends any Spam experiences a fatal hard drive crash!

Have a great weekend - don't wear yourself out!