Thursday, 6 November 2014


October - in which I had a lovely birthday; October, in which I lost my best furry friend after 16+ years.

Things she taught me:

  • be nice to everyone you meet, and they'll most likely be nice right back to you
  • an early morning walk is as good as meditating
  • you should take an early morning walk every day
  • if someone won't get up for an early morning walk, make them
  • meal times are great times
  • napping is essential
  • friends are forever


Unknown said...

Beautiful Photos, i like it

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martie said...

Oh no! I am so sorry for the loss of your best furry friend! It is so very, very sad.

Wildflower Farm said...

I don't even know you never even saw your blog till now. But I wanted to offer you a hug from myself and 2 of my furry best friends. I am so so so sorry for your loss. Your dog was lovely. May it rest in peace. And may you slowly become less sad so that in time you can once again open your home and heart to a new furry friend that might need you.