Saturday 2 January 2010

A Fresh Start

New Years Eve - a good excuse to party, but just another day really. It is always good to take stock of where you've been and where you may wish to go. Not resolutions, but intentions. I've relaxed so thoroughly that I'm starting to get the energy to clear out some clutter from my study - the mess that gathered during a frantically busy Term 4 has gone, everything is pulled out and dusted and vacuumed behind. I've changed the layout a little - the one (!) powerpoint decides where the electrics will go - and it feels fresh and ready for a new class, new grade, new year. My intentions?
  • own the moment
  • enjoy life now
  • work smarter, not harder
  • initiate catch-ups
  • follow your bliss


Annie said...

I like that word INTENTIONS rather than 'resolutions'- it sounds less final, and much less bossy.

Sorrow said...

Thats a heck of a sign. I can see why you stopped and took a picture of it.
Wishing you joy on those resolves.